.Publications are also listed here on Christine Angelini's google scholar site. Note last name change from Holdredge to Angelini in 2009. Angelini lab undergraduates and graduate students are noted in bold.
PEER- REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS In review or revision (86) Temmink R., Angelini C., Verkuijl M., van der Heide T. Under review. Restoration ecology meets design-engineering: Mimicking emergent traits to restore feedback-driven ecosystems.
(85) De Battisti D., Joyce M., Crotty S.M., Angelini C., Fairchild T., Griffin J.N. Under review. Foredune-forming grass and plant diversity show contrasting responses to latitude after hurricane disturbance.
(84) Walker J., Angelini C., Altieri A.H., Martin C., Osborne T.Z. In revision.Influence of climate mediated shifts in wetland vegetation on prey fish habitat use and schooling dynamics.
(83) Hughes B.B., Beheshti K., Tinker M.T., Angelini C., Endris C., Murai L., Andersen S.C., Espinosa S., Staedler M., Tomoleoni J.A., Silliman B.R. In revision. Top predator recovery abates the geomorphic decline of a coastal ecosystem.
(82) Pinton, D., Williams S.,Angelini C., Wilkinson B., Canestrelli C. Under Review. Estimating mussel mound distribution and geometric properties in coastal salt marshes using UAV-Lidar point clouds.
(81) Fischman, H., Smyth A., Angelini C.Under Review. Invasive consumers provoke ecosystem-wide disruption of salt marsh functions by dismantling a keystone mutualism.
(80) Ortals C., He W., Curran Z., Angelini C., Jiang Z. Submitted. A deep learning approach to segment coastal marsh tidal creek networks from high-resolution aerial imagery.
(79) Morrison E.S., Bianchi T.S., Kenney W.F., Brenner M., Prince K., Williams S., Ortals C., Cordero O.,Crotty, S.M., Angelini C.Submitted. Influence of a keystone grazer on the hydrology and organic matter cycling of salt marshes in the southeastern United States.
(78) Prince K.D., Pisarski, E., Wirth, E., Minchey, C., Denslow, N., Angelini, C.In review. Growth-dependent variation in Sciaenops ocellatus (red drum) polychlorinated biphenyl tissue compartmentalization.
(77) Barchiesi S., Arildsen R.L., Koppl C.K., Angelini C. In revision. Effect of upland cropland configuration on tradeoffs between Typha (cattail) dependent ecosystem services in the Tempisque Watershed, Costa Rica.
2023 (76) Crotty S.M., Pinton D., Canestrelli A., Fischman H., Ortals C.J., Dahl N., Williams S.L., Bouma T., Angelini C. 2023. Faunal engineering stimulates landscape-scale accretion in southeastern US salt marshes. Nature Communications 14: 881. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-36444-w.
(73) Temmink R.M., Lamers L.P.M., Angelini C., Bouma T., Fritz C., van de Koppel J., Lexmond R., Rietkirk M., Silliman B.R., Joosten H., van der Heide T. 2022. Recovering biogeomorphic feedbacks to restore the world's biotic carbon hotspots. Science 376(6593). DOI: 10.1126/science.abn1479.
(72) Beck M., Altieri A. H. Angelini C., Burke M.C., Chen J., Chin D.W., Gardinar J., Hu C., Hubbard K.A., Liu Y., Lopez C., Medina M., Morrison E., Phlips E.J., Raulerson G.E., Scolaro S., Sherwood E.T, Tomasko D., Weisberg R.H., Whalen J. 2022. Initial estuarine response to inorganic nutrient inputs from a legacy mining facility adjacent to Tampa Bay, Florida. Marine Pollution Bulletin 178: 113598.
(71) Walker J.E., Ankersen T., Barchiesi S., Meyer C.K., Altieri A.H., Osborne T.Z., Angelini C. 2022 Governance and the Mangrove Commons: Advancing the cross-scale, nested framework for the global conservation and wise use of mangroves. Journal of Environmental Management 312: 114823.
(70) Barchiesi, S., Comacho A., Hernandez E., Guelmami A., Monti F., Satta A., Jordan O., Angelini C. 2022. Securing the environmental water requirements of seasonally ponding wetlands: partnering science and management through benefit sharing. Wetlands 42 (46). DOI: http://doi.org/10.1007/s13157-022-01562-6.
(69) Medina M., Kaplan D., Milbrandt E.C., Tomasko D., Huffaker R., Angelini C. 2022.Nitrogen-enriched discharges from a highly managed watershed intensify red tide (Karenia brevis) blooms in southwest Florida. Science of the Total Environment 827: 154149.
(68) Thomsen M.S., Altieri A.H., Angelini C., Bishop M.J., Bullieri F., Farhan R., Fruhling V.M.M., Gribben P.E., Harrison S.B., He Q., Kinghardt M., Langeneck J., Lanham B.S., Mondardini L., Mulders Y., Oleksyn S., Rasmus A., Schiel D.R., Schneider T., Siciliano A., Silliman B.R., Smale D., South P.M., Wernberg T., Zhang S., Zotz. G. 2022. Heterogeneity within and among foundation species increases biodiversity. Nature Communications 13: 581.
(66) Barchiesi S., Alonso A., Pazmino-Hernandez M., Serrano-Sandi J., Munoz-Carpena R., Angelini C.2021Wetland hydropattern and vegetation greenness predict avian populations in Palo Verde, Costa Rica. Ecological Applications: e02493. DOI: 10.1002/eap.2493
(64) Kyzar T., Safak I., Cebrian J., Clark M., Dix N., Dietz K., Gittman R., Jaeger J., Radabaugh K., Roddenberry A., Smith C., Sparks E., Stone B., Sundin G., Taubler M., Angelini C. 2021. Challenges and opportunities for sustaining coastal wetlands and oyster reefs in the Southeastern United States. Journal of Environmental Management 296: 113178.
(63) Temmink R., Angelini C., Fivash G., Swart L., Nouta R., Teunis M., Lengkeek W., Didderen K., Bouma T., van der Heide T. 2021. Life-cycle informed restoration: engineering settlement cues and structural complexity for reef formation. Journal of Applied Ecology 58: 2158-2170. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13968.
(62) Wu F., Pennings S.C., Ortals C., Ruiz J., Farrel R.W., Angelini C., Spivak A., Alber M., Tong C. 2021. Disturbance is complicated: headward-eroding salt marsh creeks produce multiple responses and recovery trajectories. Limnology and Oceanography 9999: 1-15.
(61) Rocca C., Daleo P., Nunez J., Silliman B.R., Iribarne O., Angelini C, Alberti J. 2021.Extreme floods intensify herbivory and drive ecosystem range contraction. Journal of Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13735.
(60) Prince K., Cetta A., Crotty S.M., Denslow N., Palmer T.M., Delfino J., Angelini C. 2021. Non-trophic interactions mediate PCB biomagnification in a coastal food web.Scientific Reports 9180.
(58) Beheshti K., Wasson K., Angelini C., Silliman B.R., Hughes B.B. 2021. Long-term study reveals top-down effect of crabs in a California salt marsh.Ecosphere 12(8) e03703. DOI:10.1002/ecs2.3703.
(57) Sheng Y.P., Rivera-Nieves A., Zou R., Paramygin V., Angelini C., Sharp S.J. 2021. Invasive Phragmites provides superior wave and surge damage protection relative to native plants during storms. Environmental Research Letters 16(5): 054088.
(56) Zhang L., Lan S., Angelini C., Yi H., Zhao L., Chen L., Han G. 2021. Interactive effects of crab herbivory and spring drought on Phragmites australis-dominated salt marshes in the Yellow River Delta. Science of the Total Environment 766, 144254.
(55) Forlini C., Qayyum R., Malej M., Lam M.A., Shi F., Angelini C., Sheremet A. 2021. On the problem of modeling the boat wake climate: the Florida Intracoastal Waterway. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 126 (2) .
2020 (54) Safak I., Norby P.L., Dix N., Grizzle R.E., Southwell M., Veenstra J.J., Acevedo A., Cooper-Kolb T., Massey L., Sheremet A., Angelini C. 2020. Coupling breakwalls with oyster restoration structures enhances living shoreline performance along energetic shorelines. Ecological Engineering 158, 106071 .
(53) Van der Heide T., Eklof J, de Fouw J., Angelini C. 2020. Mutualisms: the double-edge sword for foundation species in the face of global change. Ecology and Evolution 11(1): 29-44
(52) Sharp S.J., Angelini C. 2020. Predators enhance resilience of a saltmarsh foundation species to drought. Journal of Ecology 109(2): 975-986.
(51) Safak I., Angelini C., Norby P.L., Dix N., Roddenberry A., Herbert D., Astrom E., Sheremet A. 2020. Wave transmission through living shoreline breakwalls . Continental Shelf Research 211: 104268.
(49) Crotty S.M., Ortals C., Morrison E., Pettengill T.M., Shi L., Olabarrieta M., Bianchi T.S., Altieri A.H., Craft C., Joyce M.A., Bertness M.D., Angelini C. 2020. Sea-level rise and the emergence of a keystone grazer alter the geomorphic evolution and ecology of southeast US salt marshes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (30): 17891-17902.
(48) Temmink R.J.M., Christianen M.J.A., Fivash G.S., Angelini C., Boström C., Didderen K., Engel S.M., Esteban N., Gaeckle J.L., Gagnon K., Govers L.L., Infantes E., van Katwijk M.M., Kipson S., Lamers L.P.M., Lengkeek W., Silliman B.R., van Tussenbroek B.I., Unsworth R.K.F., Yaakub S.M., Bouma T.J., van der Heide T. 2020. Mimicry of emergent traits amplifies coastal restoration success. Nature Communications 11, 3668.
(47) Crotty S.M., Angelini C. 2020. Geomorphology and species interactions control facilitation cascades in a salt marsh ecosystem. Current Biology 30(8): 1562-1571.
(45) Cardel M.I., Dhurandhar E., Yarar-Fisher C., Foster M., Hidalgo B., McClure L.A, Pagoto S., Brown N., Pekmezi D., Sharafeldin N., Willig A.L., Angelini C. 2020. Turning chutes into ladders for women faculty: a review and roadmap for equity in academia. Journal of Women's Health 29(5): 721-733.
2019 (44) Walker J.E., Angelini C., Safak I., Altieri A.H., Osborne T.Z. 2019. Effects of changing vegetation composition on community structure, ecosystem functioning and predator-prey interactions at the saltmarsh- mangrove ecotone. Diversity 11(11): 208.
(42) Borst A.C.W., Angelini C., ten Berge A., Lamers L., Derksen-Hooijberg M., van der Heide T.2019. Food or furniture: separating trophic and non-trophic effects of Spanish moss (Tillandsia usneoides) to explain its high invertebrate diversity. Ecosphere 10(9). (41) Sharp S.J., Angelini C. 2019. The role of landscape composition and disturbance type in mediating salt marsh resilience to feral hog invasion. Biological Invasions 21(9): 2857-2869.
(40) Silliman B.R., van de Koppel J., Kirwan M., He Q., Nifong J.C., Angelini C., Butler J. 2019. Field Experiments and Meta-analysis Reveal Wetland Vegetation as a Crucial Element in the Coastal Protection Paradigm. Current Biology 29(11): 1800-1806.
(39) Chalifour B., Hoogveld J.R.H., Derksen-Hooijberg M., van der Heide T., Sawyer W.G., Uruena J.M, Harris K.L., Angelini C. 2019. Drought alters the spatial distribution, grazing patterns and radula morphology of a fungal-farming salt marsh snail. Marine Ecology Progress Series 620: 1-13. (38) Derksen-Hooiberg M., Hoogveld J.R.H., Angelini C., Lamers L.P.M., Borst A., Smolders A., Harpenslager S.F. , Govers L.L., van der Heide T. 2019. Repetitive dessiccation events weaken a salt marsh mutualism. Journal of Ecology 107(5): 2415-2426.
(37) Marazzi L, Gaiser E.E., Eppinga M.B., Zhai L., Sah J.P., Castenada-Moya E., Angelini C.2019. Why do we need to document and conserve foundation species in freshwater wetlands? Water 11(2):265.
(36) Hernandez A.B., Angelini C. 2019. Wood traits and tidal exposure mediate shipworm infestation and biofouling in southeastern US estuaries. Ecological Engineering 132: 1-12.
2018 (35) Johnson E.E., Medina M.D., Bersoza Hernandez A.C., Kusel G.A., Batzer A.N., Angelini C.2019. Success of concrete and crab traps in enhancing easter oyster recruitment and reef growth. PeerJ7:e6488.
(34) Fahey C, Angelini C, Flory SL. 2018. Grass invasion and drought interact to alter the diversity and structure of native plant communities communities. Ecology 99(12): 2692-2702
(33) Derksen-Hooiberg M., van der Heide T., Lamers L.P.M., Borst A., Smolders A.J.P., Govers L.L., Hoogveld J.R.H., Angelini C. 2018. Burrowing crabs weaken mutualism between foundation species. Ecosystems 22: 767-780
(32) Crotty S.M., Sharp S.J., Bersoza A.C., Prince K.D., Cronk K., Johnson E.E.,Angelini C. 2018. Foundation species patch configurations mediates biodiversity, stability and multifunctionality. Ecology Letters 21(11): 1681-1692
(31) Borst A.C.W., Verbreek W.C.E.P., Angelini C., Schotanus J., Wolters J., Christianen M.J.A., Derksen-Hooijberg M., van der Heide T., van der Zee E.M., 2018.Foundation species enhance food web complexity through non-trophic facilitation. PLOS ONE 13(8): e0199152.
(30) Bersoza A.C., Brumbaugh R., Frederick P., Grizzle R., Luckenbach M., Peterson C., Angelini C. 2018.Restoring the Eastern oyster: how much progress has been made in 53? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 16(8): 463-471.
(29) Angelini C., van Montfrans S.G., Hensel M.J.S., He Q., Silliman B.R. 2018. The importance of an underestimated grazer under climate change: How crab density, consumer competition and physical stress affect salt marsh resilience. Oecologia 187: 205-217.
(28) Thomsen M.S., Altieri A.H., Angelini C., Bishop M.J., Gribben P.E., Lear G., He Q., Schiel D.R., Silliman B.R., South P.M., Watson D.M., Wernberg T., Zotz G. 2018. Secondary foundation species enhance biodiversity. Nature Ecology & Evolution2: 634-639.
(27) Herbert D., Astrom E., Bersoza A.C., Batzer A., McGovern P., Angelini C.,Wasman S.C, Dix N., Sheremet A. 2018. Mitigating erosional effects induced by boat wakes with living shorelines. Sustainability: Special Issue In Coastal Management (10)2:436.
(26) Pettengill T.M., Crotty S.M., Angelini C., Bertness M.D. 2018. A natural history model of New England salt marsh die-off. Oecologia 186(3): 621-632.
2017 (25) Crotty S.M., Angelini C., Bertness M.D. 2017. Multiple stressors and the potential for synergistic loss of New England salt marshes. PLoS ONE-D-17-07591.
(24) Derksen-Hooijberg M., Angelini C., Lamers L. P. M., Borst A., Smolders A., Hoogveld J.R.H., de Paoli H., van de Koppel J., Silliman B.R., van der Heide T. 2017. Mutualistic interactions amplify salt marsh restoration success. Journal of Applied Ecology 55(1): 405-414
(23) Persico E., Sharp S.J., Angelini C. 2017. Feral hog disturbance alters carbon dynamics in southeastern US salt marshes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 580:57-68..
(22) Langston A.K., Kaplan D.A., Angelini C. 2017. Predation restricts black mangrove (Avicenna germinans) colonization at its northern range limit along Florida's Gulf Coast. Hydrobiologia 803(1): 317-331
(21) Alba C., NeSmith J.E., Fahey C, Angelini C., Flory SL. 2017. Methods to test the interactive effects of drought and plant invasion on ecosystem structure and function using complementary common garden and field experiments. Ecology and Evolution 7(5): 1442-1452
2016 (20) Sharp, S.J., Angelini, C. 2016. Whether disturbances alter salt marsh soil structure dramatically affects Spartina alterniflora recolonization rate. Ecosphere 7(11)
(19) Angelini C., Griffin J.N., van de Koppel J., Derksen-Hooijberg M., Lamers L.P.M., Smolders A.J., van der Heide T., Silliman B.R. 2016. A keystone mutualism underpins resilience of a coastal ecosystem to drought. Nature Communications 7, 12473, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms12473.
(18) van der Zee E., Angelini C., Govers L.L., Christianen M.J.A., Altieri A.H., van der Reijden K.J., Silliman B.R., van de Koppel J., van der Geest M., van Gils J.A., van der Veer H.W., Piersma T., de Ruiter P.C., Olff H., van der Heide T. 2016. How habitat-modifying organisms structure the food web of two coastal ecosystems.Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283: 20152326.
(16) Angelini C., van der Heide T., Griffin J.N., Morton J.P., Derksen-Hooijberg M., Lamers L.P.M., Smolders A.J.P., Silliman B.R. 2015. Foundation species' overlap enhances biodiversity and multifunctionality from the patch to landscape scale in southeastern United States salt marshes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282: 2015.0421.
(15) Angelini C, Briggs K.L. 2015. Spillover of secondary foundation species transforms community structure and accelerates decomposition in oak savannas.Ecosystems 18: 780-791
(14) Atkins R., Griffin J.N., Angelini C., O’Connor M., Silliman B.R. 2015. Consumer- plant interaction strength: importance of body size, density and metabolic biomass. Oikos 124(10): 1274-1281
2014 (13) Silliman B.R., Modzer T., Angelini C., Brundage J.E., Esselink P., Bakker J.P., Gedan K.B., van de Koppel J., Baldwin A.H.. 2014. Livestock as a potential biocontrol agent for an invasive wetland plant.PeerJ 2:e567.
(12) Angelini, C., Silliman, B. R. 2014. Secondary foundation species as drivers of biodiversity and trophic structure: evidence from a tree-epiphyte system. Ecology 95(1): 185-196.
2012 (10) Altieri, A. H., Bertness, M. D., Cloverdale, T. C., Herrmann, N. C., Angelini, C. 2012. A trophic cascade triggers collapse of a salt marsh ecosystem with intensive recreational fishing. Ecology 93(6):1402-1410.
(8) Angelini, C., Silliman, B.R. 2012. Patch size-dependent community recovery after massive disturbance. Ecology93 (1): 101-110.
2011 (7) Angelini, C., Altieri, A.H., Silliman, B. R., Bertness, M. D. 2011. Interactions among foundation species and their consequence for community organization, biodiversity and conservation.BioScience61(10):782- 789.
2010 (6) Holdredge, C., Bertness, M.D. 2010. Litter legacy increases the competitive advantage of Phragmites australis in New England wetlands. Biological Invasions 13: 423-433.
(5) Holdredge, C., Bertness, M.D., von Wettberg, E.D., Silliman, B.R. 2010. Nutrient enrichment enhances hidden differences in phenotype to drive a cryptic plant invasion. Oikos 119 (11): 1776-1784.
(4) Holdredge, C., Bertness, M.D., Herrmann, N., Gedan, K.B. 2010. Fiddler crab control of cordgrass primary production in sandy substrates. Marine Ecology Progress Series399: 253-259.
2009 (3) Bertness, M.D., Holdredge, C., Altieri, A.H. 2009. Substrate mediates consumer control of cordgrass on Cape Cod. New England. Ecology 90(8): 2108-2117. 131-139.
(2) Holdredge, C., Bertness, M.D., Altieri, A.H. 2009. Role of crab herbivory in die-off of New England salt marshes. Conservation Biology23(3): 672-679.
2007 (1) Bertness, M.D., Crain, C.M., Holdredge, C., Sala. N. 2007. Eutrophication and consumer control of New England salt marsh primary productivity. Conservation Biology22(1): 131-139.
OTHER PUBLICATIONS Craft, C., Herbert, E., Li, F., Smith D., Schubauer-Berigan, J., Widney, S., Angelini, C., Pennings, S.C., Medeiros, P., Byers, J., Alber M. 2016. Climate change and the Fate of Coastal Wetlands. Wetland Science and Practice. 33(3): 80-73
McCoy, M. W., Altieri, A. H., Holdredge, C., Thompson, M. S., Silliman, B. R. 2011. Facilitation in Sourcebook in Theoretical Ecology. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
Bertness, MD, Silliman BR, Holdredge C. Shoreline development and the future of New England salt marsh landscapes. in B. R. Silliman, T. Grosholtz, and M. D. Bertness, editors. 2009.Human Impacts in Salt Marshes: A Global Perspective. University of California Press.