AboutI am a fourth year Undergraduate Student at the University of Florida with a major in Environmental Engineering. I've always had a passion for Marine Science and research allows me the chance to combine it with engineering techniques I learn from my classes.
With the help of Christine Angelini, I have conducted an oyster restoration project at Cedar Key, Florida. The study involves analyzing how the type of substrate effects the settling of oyster spat. I have also conducted a salt marsh survey of the Southeastern U.S. coast studying the effects of mussel aggregations on marsh species such as mud crabs and snails. |
Projects |
“Settlement of Crassostrea virginica on alternative, ‘green’ restoration structures at Corrigan’s Reef, Cedar Key, FL,”-http://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00040134/00044
"Manipulating mussel aggregation size to maximize salt marsh biodiversity and ecosystem functions"-http://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00054860/00032 |
Awards and